Oh Hey, Tyler!
** Content warning: This piece contains ableist slurs ** The novel Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk is a novel that reads so much differently the second time you read it, owing to a major "apostolic" twist . The movie, starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, is also a noticably different experience once you've revelled in the twist . After you've taken in the twist , and you cast your eye back over the story, meaning starts to crystalize through the unpanned and frosted glass. Until then, you're comfortable going along for the ride, enjoying the book/movie in-the-moment as it taps in to a nervous sense of anticipation. Something is coming. And as the payload drops and the twist explodes, your very place in the world shakes along with it. I wasn't diagnosed with autism until I was 23. For 23 of my 24 years on this Earth, I had been living alongside, and ensconced by, my own Tyler Durden. My own Tyler Durden didn't cultivate my anticapitalist sentiment and use i...